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Nitrotherm TA-333 30ml

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Nitrotherm TA-333 30ml

Water-based or oil based 

Nitro-Therm is the most effective anabolic agent available anywhere. This is the absolute best hormone available for your game fowl today, and it is easy to obtain – no more begging your Vet and no more feeling like a criminal.

Nitro-Therm is more effective than Equipoise, Windstrol and Testosterone, in fact Nitro-Therm is 3 to 11 times more powerful.

If you are going to have to use a hormone, then you are going to have to use a hormone, and if you are going to have to use a hormone, use the one that gives you the most for your money and the one you don’t have to beg to obtain it. Contains Decahydroxalone, the strongest hormone on the market. 

1/8 cc injected into the breast muscle 2 times each week with the last injection given the night before competition. No more than 6 weeks