ACT ON TIME AND APPLY OINTMENT OINTMENT to the first symptoms When there is nasal inflammation and swollen and bulging cheekbones, with foam in the eyes and fetid cold, the cold was complicated so it's time to APPLY OINTMENT BIOTEC OINTMENT OINTMENT Presentation of 30 grms, very effective against declared corizas Dose (technical technique): * with the yolk of the index finger apply 1/2 GR OF OINTMENT, there will be the pico del gallo and enter the ointment in the cleft that is in the palate, with the rest that remains in the fingers put it in the nostrils. * apply the technique twice per day of tomorrow and afternoon for 3 days in a row. * If there is already a hard cheese type for the infection of the coryza you must remove it either by the opening of the palate or making a cleft where you are careful not to damage the eye. Get it with your nearest dealer, check out the listing and go directly.